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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Derrick Rose Is All In For Chicago... and More!

In adidasBasketball's latest video for #theReturn of Derrick Rose titled "All In For Chicago", Derrick asks whether he deserves all the support he has received as he battled through rehab.
"Can I give my city the ultimate 'thank you'?"
"Have I done enough to get my name on a shoe? Or deserve the world lifting me up when I was down? Can I give my city the ultimate thank you? It's time to remind the world that even though I wasn't on the court, I never left the game." -- Derrick Rose

While other NBA stars feed their own egos and buy the media in order to reshape their legacy of failure, Rose is a player first and an ad exec's dream second. Rose is every bit the person he presents in his commercials. He is the humble superstar that honors his mom for his success every chance he gets. But he is also the stone cold assassin that on the eve of his return confidently said that he was the best player in the NBA.

His humble personality belies a killer instinct that made him the youngest NBA MVP ever. The big shots he makes in his commercials are his real "Michael Jordan Moments", and are only a sample of what is to come from a 25 year old who works as hard as anyone in the game.

Here is adidasBasketball's video, Derrick Rose - all in for Chicago:
<a href="">LinkedTube</a>

DRose is all in for Chicago, and I am all in for DRose. What about you?

Will you join me?