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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Joakim Noah Critic Eats His Words About Noah... Literally

Chicago Tribune columnist Rick Morrissey wrote an opinionated article following the 2007 NBA Draft cleverly titled "You Must Be Joakim".

After mentioning that his only hope for the 2007 NBA Draft was that the Bulls would use their #9 Overall Pick on ABJ (Anyone But Joakim), he questioned Noah's  being a proven winner. Rather harsh criticism of the now twice NBA All-Star.

Anyway, in that article, one will find the following promise:
(Please clip and save this column. If I'm wrong three years down the line about Noah, I'll douse it with salsa and eat it. If I'm right I'll let you know ... but then, you know that about me.)
Rick Morrissey demonstrates a great deal of journalistic integrity by following through with his promise in front of Joakim Noah in the following video:

Joakim Noah critic eats his words ... literally from The Basketball Jones on Vimeo.

You almost never see that from a sportswriter; they never admit that they are wrong! What do you think of Rick Morrissey "manning up" to his words? Tell us in the comments below!